Monday, May 17, 2010

You can Win the War Agaist Fat

 Weight Loss Facts

Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.

You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets.
Low fat foods have been popular for more
than 15 years, but yet our society is getting
more overweight as each year passes.  This
fact alone should tell you that eating a purely
low fat menu is not the  answer to losing weight.

Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.

You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie
Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is
the worst thing that you can do to your body,
since that will only slow down your body's fat
burning engine and ruin all chances of losing
weight (low calorie diets may allow a few
pounds of weight loss for the first few days,
but then after that all weight loss comes to
a halt ---known as a dieting plateau).  You
can never get slim by starving yourself.

Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.

You'll probably find it extremely difficult to
get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan.  Low
carb diets have recently become popular
over the last couple years, but the problem
with low carb menus is that they are too strict
and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average
people.   Low carb menus tend to rob your
body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and
make it nearly impossible to remain on the
program for very long.  This is why so many
dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low
carbohydrat Try The Agel FIT way to Burn Fat

Try The Agel FIT way to Burn Fat


What can FIT do for you?

Here are just a few of the many potential benefits:

    * Now with Hoodia may help suppress the appetite
    * May help fat synthesis
    * May increase the burninh of fat
    * Support the healthy reduction of your body weight
    * Help the body's normal production of serotonin
    * Can increase the effectiveness of a weight loss
           programme over diet and exercise alone
    * Help balance emotional feelings
    * Is 3-times more effective than diet and exercise alone
    * Maintains healthy cholestrol levels within already normal levels
    * Reduce Body Mass Index (BMI) to healthier level

Losing weight can be a huge struggle. But FIT can help you finally win
the battle of the bulge. being overweight increases your chances for
health problems and decreases your ability to do things. Overcoming it
isn't easy, but using FIT as part of your program can help.

 FIT fits perfectly with your weight control program

To reduce your weight, you have to eat less and
move more. But FIT can also help. If uou take
FIT before two meals, you may increase the
effectiveness of your weight control. That's
because it contains an active angredient called
hydroxycitric acid(HCA) that comes from the
fruit and rind of garcinia camboga.

Prevent your body from storing unused
carbohydrates Clinical studies have shown that
HCA prevents your body from storing unused
carbohydrates and inhibits fat production. In
other words, it helps you win the war between
how many calories you consume and how many
calories you burn. Whenever you win this war,
you lose weight.

Eat Less, move more, and lose weight.

Another benefit of HCA is that it is mild
appetite suppresent. if taken 30-60 minutes
before meal, it can help you eat less. If you
eat less and move more, you can win the
war of the bulge. And few things benefit
your health more than losong those extra
pouds. Studies show that weight loss helps
maintain healthy blood pressure, improve
sleep, and can add years to a person's life.

Click the picture below to see the video:

The FIT Weight Loss Program

   1. Agel FIT 30-60 minutes before meals (2-4 times/day)
         1. Helps reduce your appetite
         2. Supports fat metabolism
         3. Long-lasting effects

   2. Set caloric limits (2000 kcal/day)
         1. Key to weight loss
         2. Choose foods you like
         3. Eat more Walk more

   3. Eat 5-7 small meals
         1. Helps maintain feeling of fullness
         2. Minimizes glucose swings

   4. Keep a daily journal
         1. Records you feelings
         2. Tracks your success
         3. Balances your emotions

   5. Get 30 minutes of walking each day
         1. Burns more calories
         2. Helps you socialize
         3. Increases fitness
         4. Eat more Walk more

   6. Drink more water (carbonated soft drinks do not count)
         1. Aids digestions
         2. Supports energy levels
         3. Helps feel satisfied


I have a big appetite and love to eat anytime,
anywhere. My family members all have high
cholesterol and histort of sudden death by
heart attack. My cardiologist told me to
reduce my cholesterol levels, my BMI is
25 anduble 12lbs,mostd waist line  100cm.

I spent RM4,200 for a personal trainer
in a nearby fitness centre for 5 months
with 33 one hour sessions but my waist
line did not change although my fitness

I decided to take FIT for 3 months, ate
the same amount and did my  own gym
workout. The result? My BMI reduced
to 23, my waist line decreased to 90cm
and my cholesterol levels improved.**

      - Dr.KS Rupen.MBB (Mysore),Malaysia                                                                               

I have been using FIT  product now for just
two months and have lost an incredible 12 lbs.
mostly my stomach.

My wife loves it and i love it.I am down to
a 43" waist again and have not been there for
more years than I can remember.

Thank you Agel for developing this FIT product.
I also love the anti-oxidant and my wife uses
4-5 of those packets each day**

           - Mark G, Calofornia, USA

"When you go on a diet, you are usually still hungry
by the time you finish eating what you are supposed
to have for lunch or dinner, and most of the time you
are hungry late at night. Some diets require you to
prepare each one of your meals and the majority of
people do not have time to prepare 4 or 5 meals a
day. So what ends up happening is that the person
follows the diet for several weeks and then suddenly
one day they stop doing it because they don't want
to feel hungry, or they realize that their life style does
not agree with the requirements of the diet in a long
term basis".

"I love FIT because you feel satisfied with less food;
you simply eat less without cravings! It is convenient,
portable and easy to use! I lost 30 pounds in 4 months.
Thank you Agel!"

Erick Gutierrez


Want to sample the product?

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Your name and email address will not be sold
or transferred to anybody

[**these statements have not been evaluated by the
Food and DrugAdministration. The products are not
intended to dignose,treat, cure or prevent any disease]